Sunday, March 11, 2018


Hudson definitely keeps us on our toes with his health. The poor kid catches everything. He got a little cold that turned into bronchiolitis and it was rough. We're a week into it and he still doesn't seem to be improving. We took him to the ER last Monday to check for pneumonia and that's when we found out that it is bronchiolitis. This is the same thing he had last year when he was hospitalized at two months old but thankfully it was not paired up with RSV this time. Danny took Addie to church this morning and I took Hudson back to the ER to make sure that his bronchiolitis didn't turn bacterial. He has been feeling so miserable this past week and wasn't doing so well this morning. However the good news is that the doctor who saw him today verified that it didn't turn bacterial and he's over the worst part of it. He predicted that Hudson probably has two or three more days of feeling crummy but that he should be better soon. We're happy about that. We just want Huddy to be feeling better. We took the family out for some fresh air last night since we've all been cooped up indoors all week and I think both kids enjoyed it. We're going back outside tonight since the weather has been so nice lately. Hopefully all this fresh air will lighten Hudson's mood.
ER Visit Last Week
 First Sink Bath to Bring Down His Temp
So Sick :(
ER Visit Today

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